Dee Davis, Clerk of Court, Sulphur La writes:
"Quick-Court" software is extremely user friendly, while at the same time, highly advanced. It has all the capabilities to handle each and every one of our day to day activities very efficiently. You can look up a defendant by name, or date of birth or drivers license # or ticket/docket # or offense # or bench warrant #. When a payment is posted, the system will auto calculate the amount that is to be paid to each agency, according to your court's requirements, complete with reporting. The system has the ability to upload unpaid tickets to their web server, eliminating the need for our personnel to field phone calls with violators who wish to pay their tickets on-line. Even the online payments may be auto posted to the ticket being paid, while at the same time, calculating our dispersements! A true time saver! Fact is, the system is loaded with time saving features. The interactive docket lets me complete each case as the Judge hears the pleadings, while court is in progress. We also have complete control over both printing all of our forms and running reports. Deposit reports are a breeze, both when you do a deposit and when you're closing out the end of the month.
The technical support has been excellent. When we "discover" a new way or request a new way to do something, the changes are downloaded within days. They always answer the phone!
"Excellent program and support!"
Dee Davis
Clerk of Court
Sulphur City Court
802 S. Huntington St.
Sulphur, LA 70663
337-527-4528 fax